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Structural Health Monitroing

acoustic emission for structural health monitoring

Acoustic Emission Monitoring for Civil Infrastructure

Acoustic Emission is referred to the radiation of acoustic waves in solids as a result of damage or any irreversible change in its internal structure. Acoustic emission monitoring is well-known for its application in structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure. Structural Health Monitoring Health monitoring is a process of implementing inspection, evaluation, reaction, re-inspection and re-evaluation in order to maintain the functionality of a system. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is widely used…Read More »Acoustic Emission Monitoring for Civil Infrastructure

Structural Health Monitoring

Smart Structural Health Monitoring

I would like to start this by a very simple example: that infrastructure facilities work very similar our body. When they are first built (i.e. like when we are at our young age), they operate at their best. Just a routine checkup is all you need to keep up the good form. As they get older, more problems start to appear; and when are old (at the end of their…Read More »Smart Structural Health Monitoring