主页»Inspection and Evaluation»Page 3

Inspection and Evaluation

acoustic emission for structural health monitoring


声发射由于其内部结构的损坏或任何不可逆变化而被称为固体中的声波的辐射。声排放监测是众所周知,其在民事基础设施的结构健康监测中的应用。结构健康监测健康监测是实施检查,评估,反应,重新检查和重新评估的过程,以维持系统的功能。结构健康监测(SHM)被广泛使用......阅读更多 ”公民基础设施的声发射监测

NDE-concrete piles


Structure inspection manuals such as the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM) mostly emphasizes on the visual inspection and physical condition of bridge structures. The visual inspection methodology in this guideline consists of close up visual assessment of defects in the superstructure and substructure. This methodology is limited to inspection of elements that are at the arms length. For elements with difficult access (i.e. long girders mid-span or deck over river or…阅读更多 ”如何评估混凝土桩?



结构锚螺栓的腐蚀检查可能是非常具有挑战性的。原因是对这些埋葬元素的访问往往非常困难。螺栓的可见部分通常处于质量差,而且拉出的机械测试不是一种选择。锚固螺栓的非破坏性超声波测试提供了一种测试腐蚀状态的非常好的方法。结构锚固结构锚是各种各样的......阅读更多 ”锚螺栓的超声波测试

electrical resistivity of concrete


The use of electrical resistivity method for quality control and evaluation of concrete durability is becoming very popular among scholars and engineers. The measurement of electrical resistivity of concrete provides useful information about the microstructure of concrete material. The test procedure has since been standardized by AASHTO TP 95. This method is adapted by several Department of Transportation (DOTs) to replace the labour-intensive and time-consuming methods such as the ASTM C 1202, “Electrical…阅读更多 ”混凝土电阻率

Thickness Measurement of Concrete

NDT of Thickness Measurement for Concrete

This articles reviews some of the most accepted and widely used nondestructive tests of thickness measurement for concrete elements. Thickness measurement can be of interest for engineers and technicians involved in the assessment of existing concrete elements, such as slabs, foundations, or pavements, or as a means of quality control (QA) in the construction of new concrete pavements. The applications and limitations of these techniques are briefly compared and discussed.…阅读更多 ”NDT of Thickness Measurement for Concrete


How to Estimate The Setting Time of Concrete

本文简要介绍了混凝土的设定时间,为什么它是重要的,以及不同的天气状况如何影响它。我们稍后会审查一些现有的方法,用于估计现场混凝土的设定时间。将混凝土设定为ASTM C125-15B,设定定义为“由于化学反应,加入混合水后发生的过程,这导致逐渐发展......阅读更多 ”How to Estimate The Setting Time of Concrete


Why Earthquakes Hit Italy and How to Reduce The Risk?

2016年8月的地震发生了两次,大幅度的地震6.6袭击了意大利的中心(距离Norcia 6公里)。由于自1800年以来,地震被认为是最强大的意大利。但为什么意大利易于地震?在这篇简短的说明中,我们将审查该地区地震活动,现有代码和实践的一些事实,以及为何崩溃......阅读更多 ”Why Earthquakes Hit Italy and How to Reduce The Risk?

结构性ASR对具体的影响e Structures

Extensive mapped crack on the surface of concrete structures can be a scary observation for public, or even most structural engineers. There is a common belief among material and structural engineers that the Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) is always harmful for a concrete structure. It is scary to drive under a ASR affected bridge. Despite this observation and speculation, no major collapse has been reported as a result of ASR…阅读更多 ”结构性ASR对具体的影响e Structures


Maturity Method for In-Place Strength Measurement

In this article, we will investigate the use of maturity method for in-place strength measurement. We will review the concept behind the maturity technique, and the most common practices. Later, we will describe the benefits and limitations of this method for in-place strength prediction. In the last part of this article, we will review and examine some of the existing technologies for using the maturity technique. Concrete Strength Concrete (compressive) strength…阅读更多 ”Maturity Method for In-Place Strength Measurement